Paper 1 Ab Initio

Paper 1: Productive skills—writing

This examination is externally set and externally assessed. Paper 1 consists of two required tasks (task A and task B) of equal weighting. Each task addresses a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes. For each task, students will be presented with a choice from three options, each based on a different theme from the syllabus. Teachers and students should expect that one of the two tasks will require the production of a personal text and that the other task will require the production of a professional or mass media text. The “Texts” section of this guide offers examples of these types of texts.

Task A: Students write a response of 70–150 words to one of the three options shown, choosing a text
type from the box provided for task A.
• Task B: Students write a response of 70–150 words to one of the three options shown, choosing a text
type from the box provided for task B.

Assessment criteria are used to mark paper 1, which is worth 25% of the overall mark. There are three
assessment criteria.

Criterion A: Language  1-6

How successfully does the candidate command written language?
• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?

Criterion B: Message 1-6

To what extent does the candidate fulfill the task?
• How relevant are the ideas to the task?
• To what extent are ideas developed?
• To what extent do the clarity and organization of ideas contribute to the successful delivery of the

Criterion C: Conceptual understanding 1-3

To what extent does the candidate demonstrate conceptual understanding?
• To what extent is the choice of text type appropriate to the task?
• To what extent are register and tone appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task?
• To what extent does the response incorporate the conventions of the chosen text type?